Thank You
Hi all. Just was sitting her going through some things from my job and ran across my retirement things. I know that you got a thank you that I sent to my boss who was in charge of getting you my thank you because there was a lot of you and they sent it via email.. But if you didn’t get it I sent one out in the mail and it had my website that you could go to and see some of the things that went on. A special thanks goes out to Kelly Myron for setting everything up. She is one of a kind. I will not mention my boss or other names because they might not want that known. But I am sure they know who they are. Well Kelly what can I say, words can not express how I fell about all that you did that day. Not to mention your Mom, you guys are the best. Well enough said just click on the link and enjoy the rest.
Mr. Cooper ,,,,,,, AKA the Coopster
For more pictures please click on the link below and look for my retirement link you will not be disappointed. They did an outstanding job.
Blink of an Eye Photography Click here
Web designed by Dmitri Cooper 2020